FJMC Vision and Goals
Glorify God by planting and establishing Anabaptist churches in New York City that are Christ-centered communities with a vision to reach the unchurched, to make disciples, and to reach unreached peoples.
To accomplish this vision we have adopted the following…
- Worship God in spirit and in truth with Godly, quality, a capella and instrumental music that engages both the mind and spirit of worshipers.
- Proclaim Spirit-directed, teaching and preaching of God’s Word (with priority on expository preaching).
- Give loving pastoral care for each person in the FJMC church family.
- Integrate each member and attendee of the congregation into small groups that connect people to Body life so individual needs can be met.
- Provide an effective Christian education program that informs, disciples and trains all attendees and members; this includes facilitating quality academic education for the children of church families and other interested families.
- Advance the spread of the Gospel through missions in the local community, city and throughout the world with a specific concern for unreached people groups.
- Serve the church and its community through ministries of compassion.
- Demonstrate Christian unity by participating in an association of like-minded congregations.